I I K K I is a french edition project which is the result of a dialog between a visual artist and a music artist.
Each publishing works in two physical imprints
a fine art book and a disc (vinyl/cd).
It should be experienced in different ways :
the book read alone
the disc listened to alone
the book and the disc read and listened to together.
L A A P S is our parallel label project since January 2020.
In sounds, and "just" in sounds (no books).
It works with eight releases each year, two for each of the four seasons.
Each release start with the end of the previous one, in sounds and visually.
It’s a permanent continuity and an exquisite corpse puzzle in 100 points.
more, here
contact / links
for any requests, promotion, to stock the publishings, or to simply stay in touch, feel free to send your words just below.
(note: due to the limited editions each year we don't accept unsolicited demos or/and publishing requests)
other places to purchase a part of the IIKKI editions (books and/or vinyls) :
France :
Galerie Les Filles Du Calvaire (Paris)
Galerie Quai26 (Lille)
Histoire De L'Oeil (Marseille)
La Nouvelle Chambre Claire (Paris)
L'Ascenceur Végétal (Bordeaux)
Le Souffle Continu (Paris)
Librairie Des Abattoirs (Toulouse)
Librairie Ombres Blanches (Toulouse)
Librairie L'Ouvre-Boite (Paris)
Librairie Les Arpenteurs (Paris)
Mep (Maison Européenne de La Photographie) (Paris)
Ultimae Records (Lyon)
Zoème (Marseille)
Europe :
Choisi Bookshop (Switzerland)
Copyright Bookshop (Belgium/Netherlands)
Pêle Mêle Waterloo (Belgium)
Photo book Corner (Portugal)
The Ravestijn Gallery (Netherlands)
World :
Agnes B (New-York)
Irasun (South Korea)
Kubrick (Hong-Kong)
Pastel Records (Japan)
legal notice : I I K K I ~ 22490 Plouer-sur-rance, France.
publishing director / editing : mathias van eecloo
graphic designer (book + vinyl) : sprflxgrfzm
Since April 2023, I I K K I has the support of the Brittany Region for his publishings books issues.