P H O T O G R A P H Y : K A T R I E N D E B L A U W E R
M U S I C : D A N N Y C L A Y
S E P T E M B E R 19 TH, 2 0 1 6

Katrien De Blauwer calls herself a "photographer without a camera.” The Belgian artist collects and recycles pictures and photos from old magazines and newspapers to create stunning collages of distant mood and place. These fragmentary images evoke faded memories that are quickly brought to the fore. In turn, the viewer becomes a character in De Blauwer’s stories.
De Blauwer shows extensively throughout Europe. Her work has been featured in numerous publications and appears often in the New York Times. The work of Katrien De Blauwer can be found at : www.katriendeblauwer.com
Danny Clay is a composer and sound artist from Ohio, currently based in San Francisco. His works frequently utilize open forms, archival media, found objects, toy instruments, analogue and digital errata, family history, graphic notation, and the everything-in-between. He has released music on Hibernate Recordings, Patient Sounds, Unknown Tone Records, Phinery, Parlour Tapes+, & eilean rec, among others.His works can be listened here : www.dannyclay.bandcamp.com
Stills is their dialog.
Limited edition to 500 copies for the book 500 copies for the vinyl.
Book : hardcover book (30cm x 22 cm),112 pages, 75 photos, printed on
Munken print white paper 150g/m2, logo, slot and brown circle embossed.
weight: 0,83 Kg
ISBN: 978-2-9557953-0-9
Vinyl : cutting lacquer, printed on polish paperboard
mastered by Taylor Deupree