P H O T O G R A P H Y : A L B A R R Á N C A B R E R A
M U S I C : F E D E R I C O D U R A N D
N O V E M B E R 0 8 T H , 2 0 1 8

Albarrán Cabrera are the photographers Anna Cabrera (b. 1969, Sevilla) and Angel Albarrán (b. 1969, Barcelona) who work together as a collaborative duo based in Barcelona.
The work of Albarrán Cabrera has been shown in galleries and photo fairs in Spain, Japan, Switzerland, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Lebanon, Italy and the United States. Anna and Angel have both studied under photographers such as Humberto Rivas and Toni Catany, among others.Some of their prints have become part of private collectors and institutions such as Hermes, Goetz Collection, Banco de Santander, Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles among others. They have also produced printing work for several institutions like Fundació La Pedrera in Barcelona, Fundació Toni Catany in Mallorca, Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid or Barcelona Photographic Archive.
‘’ There is a gap between reality and what we understand as real. And photography lies in the frontier between the real and unreal, the true and the false. So it helps us to “see” what is hidden from us. (…) We use a wide range of processes and materials. Some of these processes are the result of the combination of several old photographic processes or they can be a mixture of new and old ones. Thus we use, platinum, palladium, cyanotype or gelatine silver processes. But we have also invented and developed new processes, as it is the case of the one we use for our colour prints: pigments, Japanese paper and gold leaf. All this serves just one single purpose: we want to have far more parameters to play with the viewer than just the image. The texture, colour, finishing, tones; even the border of a print can give extra information to the viewer. And you can have a better control over this information just using the correct process and materials for a specific image.. (Albarrán Cabrera) ‘’. (www.albarrancabrera.com)
Federico Durand is an Argentinian musician and composer who has recorded since 2010 twelves solo albums through some labels among others as Spekk, Home Normal, White Paddy Mountain, 12k. Federico Durand’s music is a weave of sound searching introspection and delight through simple melodies, made in the heart of Argentina. He likes music, gardens, John Keats' poetry, collecting stamps and Earl Grey tea. He has also a musical project with Tomoyoshi Date (Opitope, Illuha) called Melodía.
Initiated by IIKKI, between December 2017 and August 2018,
Pequeñas Melodías is their dialog.
Book: limited edition to 500 copies, hand numbered & hand stamped.
hardcover book (24 cm x 22 cm) on Munken Print, 96 pages, 54 photos, printed on Munken Print White Main 1.8 115g/m2, logo, slot and circle embossed,
matt laminate soft touch finish with selective varnish.
weight: 0,55 Kg
ISBN: 978-2-9557953-6-1
Vinyl: limited edition to 300 copies, hand numbered.
DDM cut, 12'' black vinyl 180gm, matt outer sleeve + UV selective varnish on 350gm paper, black paper inners. mastered by Taylor Deupree.
Cd: limited edition to 200 copies, glass mastered. hand numbered.
selective varnish on the artwork mastered by Taylor Deupree.
available here