P H O T O G R A P H Y : E D O U A R D E L I A S
M U S I C : A I K O. T A K A H A S H I
N O V E M B E R 1 3 R D , 2 0 2 3

"I chose photography naturally. It’s surely the result of a double education: separated between Egypt and France, I learned to consider images both as memories and as objects that allowed me to be transported to places where I could only stay for a moment, but also as historical documents.
The meetings and my journey gave me the desire to see History in progress, to experience it through my camera, and above all, to don’t forget. That’s why, I’ve moved to Turkey to the Syrian refugee camps, then to Syria, thus producing my first report. My childhood allowed me to acquire the faculty of movement, of not limiting myself to the borders of my village or the towns of my region. So I naturally took the path of reporting. These conditions and the encounters generated satisfied me in the need to answer about my personal questions. All the means that must be deployed to take a photograph of a human being in a difficult situation (pain, loss, war, poverty, suffering) result from a deep desire and work on a personal adaptability. The fact remains that the essence of our work must above all be focused on the subject. The results, today, of the image on the international scene leave me doubtful, but I think that these photographs, although they unfortunately risk to don’t change anything in the situation, will help us to don’t forget. I continued reporting photography during these last years in Central African Republic, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Congo DRC, Donbass and more, as well as rescues of migrants in the Mediterranean."
Edouard Elias
His photography works have been published among others in: Paris Match, Der Spiegel, Sunday Times magazine, Time Lightbox, VSD, Le Monde, le Figaro Magazine, Polka, Le Point Libération, LFI Leica international. » (www.edouardelias.net)
Aiko T. is a concept, an entity, a ghost that appears only through her own music.
"I’ve released various materials over the years under other names, Aiko has been materialized in 2022 through self-published music and this with IIKKI is the first official release that I am very proud of. Despite this, Aiko has been publishing in other forms since 2020, but always within the sphere of ambient music."
"This album was born as a long-lasting sound continuum. It was then cut, stitched together and reassembled to give shape and restore unity from the fragments, in order to have an album that shows its completeness halfway between the titles and the compositions themselves. Contrary to what it may seem, it is not born from a concept and does not want to be. The titles were chosen in a poetic, almost naïve way, the sounds of these creatures led me to believe that they could be divided into different distinct phases of the day. What I want to communicate with the titles is just what came to mind in a moment of reflection, a very simple thing, that sometimes time passes too quickly, and the moments we spend with our loved ones could always be better, it could have been a beautiful morning, afternoon, evening or night."
Aiko Takahashi
Initiated by IIKKI, between September 2022 and September 2023,
It Could Have Been A Beautiful is their dialog.
Book: limited edition to 500 copies, hand numbered & hand stamped. first edition and only edition (no re-print)
hardcover book (24 cm x 24 cm), 96 pages, 68 photos printed on Munken Print White 115g/m2, logo, slot and circle embossed, selective UV varnish
weight: 0,6 Kg
ISBN: 978-2-9586157-1-0
Vinyl: limited edition to 300 copies, first pressing and only pressing (no re-press), hand numbered, selective UV varnish. Cutting lacquer, 12'' yellow transparent vinyl, matt outer sleeve + printed on 300gm paper, black inner sleeve. mastered by Taylor Deupree.
Cd: limited edition to 200 copies, glass mastered. hand numbered, selective UV varnish.
mastered by Taylor Deupree.
available: HERE