P H O T O G R A P H Y : S I M O N V A N S T E E N W I N C K E L
M U S I C : T H E T H R E E O L D M E N ' S B I R D S
S E P T E M B E R 2 9 T H , 2 0 2 2 ​

Rustine is the result of the photographic works by Simon Vansteenwinckel and the music of The Three Oldmen’s Birds (Mathias Van Eecloo) initiated by IIKKI, between September 2021 and July 2022. The complete project works in two physical imprints: the book and the disc (cd).
It should be experienced in different ways : the book read alone, the disc listened to alone, the book and the disc read and listened to together.
Born in 1978 in Brussels, Belgium. Lives and works in Brussels. Simon Vansteenwinckel is a photographer and graphic designer.
Fascinated by the cinema, he has produced numerous documentary photo reportages.
He was a member of the Haytham Pictures Agency from 2014-2015, the Cyklope collective from 2010-2016, the editorial committee of the magazine Halogénure, and the Hans Lucas agency from 2017-2018.
Simon Vansteenwinckel has exhibited at several locations, in particular: Centre Rabelais (Montpellier), Voies Off (Arles), Recyclart (Brussels), Photo Patagonia festival (Rio Gallegos), Zoom Photo Festival (Saguenay), and the Musée de la Photographie (Charleroi), among others.
He has won various awards, including the Grand Prix du Public at the Cultures on My Street photo competition (2008), the National Open Photography Prize (2017), and the Grand Prix du Jury at the 4th edition of Nuits Photographiques in Essaouira.
Editor at Le Mulet publishing, he already has a number of publications to his credit.
The Photos from Rustine have been taken between 2012 and 2022 in Belgium, North Of France and US.
The Three Oldmen's Birds is a solo music project by Mathias Van Eecloo focus on an imaginary music alternative/post-rock band with three musicians.
Based on a guitar, a drum, a bass, a voice, some electronic devices, a lot of out of tune instruments and more.
The project took place 10 years ago, between 2012 and 2013 as a one shot.
From a lot of improvisations and live recordings, Rustine is a selection from all the tracks recorded during this period.
All sounds, instruments, voices by The The Three Oldmen’s Birds (Mathias Van Eecloo). Recorded and mixed in 2013 in Brittany, France.
Initiated by IIKKI, in 2022,
Rustine is their dialog.
Book + Cd: limited edition to 500 copies, hand numbered & hand stamped.
hardcover book (24 cm x 24 cm), 132 pages, 94 photos, printed on Munken Print Cream 115g/m2, foam board cover, fonts pantone.
Cd glass mastered, gold metallization side.
weight: 0,72 Kg
ISBN: 978-2-9572018-7-7